Sunday, October 14, 2007

Talking Point #4

Linda Christensen

"Unlearning the Myths That Bind Us"

Premise: (What is this about?)

  1. Stereotypes
  2. Cartoons
  3. Identities
  4. Education


Christensen argues that the media, cartoons specifically alter the views children have or will have on American Culture and Society.

  1. "Secret Education" as Dorfman dubs it, delivered by children's books and movies, instructs young people to accept the world as it is portrayed in these social blueprints.
  2. When we read children's books, we aren't just reading cute little stories, we are discovering the tools with which a young society is manipulated.
  3. Women appear as Jessica Rabbit, Overweight people appear as buffoons, Men as the "savior"

My Thoughts:

Upon reading Christensen's piece, it made me look back at my childhood and realize, that growing up I was altered by the movies and cartoons I would watch. Now i don't have the same prejudices as portrayed in some of these shows, as first hand experience has changed my views, but to think that these shows teach these things to children is mind-blowing.

This piece hit home a little bit mainly because of the examples it gave. My first "Cartoon Crush" I guess you could call it was on Jessica Rabbit. I remember watching her and Roger and thinking it was hilarious, but my main affection was for Jessica. She was beautiful in every sense of the word, and as a young boy what else are you really looking for other then beauty? I too watched "Duck Tales" and looking back at it now, I realize the images that it gave about money. That it was "everything", that it will get you "everything", and how it was the main focus of the whole show. While money will buy you a lot of things you may want and need, it certainly wont buy you happiness, and that's what that show is expressing to young children.

One quote that stuck out to me, and I think I can relate to was that of "it can be overwhelming and discouraging to find that our self-images have been formed by others, but if we don't dissect them, we will continue to be influenced by them" I think this means exactly what it states, that it sucks to think that other people have manipulated our views and opinions, but it's up to us to change them by stepping back and taking another look to see what exactly something is "saying"